
ExtFSisalow-levelfilesystemdriverwasspeciallydevelopedtobridgefilesystemincompatibilitybetweenLinuxandMacbyprovidingfullread/-write ...,Linux最新文件系统格式,ext4的大部分特征受到支持:64位,dir_index,extent,extra_isize,ext_attr,flex_bg,has_journal等等。请注意ParagonextFSforMac ...,BoostyourMacwithParagonFileSystemLink.Read/writeLinuxext2/3/4filesonyourMac.,Name:extFSforMacbyParagonSoftwa...

Download ExtFS for Mac

ExtFS is a low-level file system driver was specially developed to bridge file system incompatibility between Linux and Mac by providing full read/-write ...

extFS for Mac 11软件所有功能

Linux 最新文件系统格式,ext4 的大部分特征受到支持:64位, dir_index,extent, extra_isize,ext_attr,flex_bg,has_journal 等等。请注意Paragon extFS for Mac ...

extFS for Mac by Paragon Software

Boost your Mac with Paragon File System Link. Read/write Linux ext2/3/4 files on your Mac.


Name: extFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Read/write support for ext2/3/4 formatted volumes. https://www.paragon-software.com/home/extfs-mac/ · /api/cask/paragon ...

Writeread access to Linux files under macOS High Sierra

extFS for Mac by Paragon Software provides fast and unlimited read/write access to ext2, ext3 and ext4 formatted drives intended for Linux systems.


写入、编辑、复制、移动或删除直接连接在Mac上的ext2、ext3、ext4 Linux驱动上的文件! 快速、无缝、易于使用。安装、卸载、检查、修复和格式化任何Linux格式分卷。


快速、无缝、易于使用。安装、卸载、检查、修复和格式化任何Linux格式分卷。 Universal File System Driver ...


Paragon Software Group 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1460 Irvine, CA ... NTFS for MacCamptune XextFS for MacHard Disk Manager for MacMac ToolBox. 合作 ...